
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Doberground Railroad

I've been posting a lot about the Dobermans from Conklin, NY, some of whom currently reside in the Broome County Humane Society. Trust me, I know. Have you seen the news? Sasha, of that group, has been adopted. She'll be going home on Saturday!

There's a certain magic that seems to happen when people see dogs in need, in person or online. So, I thought I'd tell you a little story about something that I witnessed on Doberman Talk on Wednesday.
Somebody posted a link to a Last Hope Doberman rescue in Texas' Facebook, and a small story.

This little girl is 6 months old. She was literally on the table to be euthanized when the shelter tech begged, and got, one more day for her. That's right; almost to the needle on 8/15, and the tech bought her time until the morning of 8/16.  Last Hope either didn't have the room, or didn't have the fosters, and so put out the plea.

I saw the thread on Doberman Talk at 4:21, on my dinner break. I, mind you, am in central New York, while Abbey girl is in Texas. Totally nothing I can do. I put her on my Facebook, and tweet the Last Hope Dobermans link, figuring I can get her out there, at the very least. Doberman Talk, though, did better.

At least one of the members is also a member of Adapt Rescue, also in Texas. Well, they're full too. But, another member, in Colorado, could foster her (approved by a rescue there) so long as somebody could pull her from the shelter, and get her there. This was established within two hours, people. Then legs of transport were figured out, with stops, and set. Then, there's a Texas local interested in her as well, and they're working on whether that adopter might be approved or not.

So, be it foster in Colorado or a new forever home in Texas, Abbey is saved. This is the power of the Internet.


  1. Brilliant for Abbey and let us know what actually happens if you can. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Yes, I will update when there is an update. She'll be in good hands, I'm sure!

  2. oh wow that is so lovely, well done to all involved xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Awesome news, and great efforts by everyone!


    Dante, Daisy Boo and Sampson

    1. I have so much admiration for people who work in rescue like this!

  4. That is fantastic! Thanks to all those who made that effort on her behalf!

    1. It was just unbelievable to see come together!

  5. Great story and example of networking. Social media really works and more rescues need to utilize it!

    1. Yes, I do agree. Granted, this girl was either a stray or an owner surrender at a shelter, so not only was she in Texas but also in a kill shelter, which was I'm sure super crowded.

  6. Hopefully the internet can bring us to a No Kill nation. Winograd maintains, and I agree that there are more people wanting a good dog than are available. The internet makes the country like a small town.

    1. The Internet and more responsible owners and breeders will hopefully get us to the point of being a No Kill Nation. I know that every year, more shelters are moving towards being no kill, which must be an extremely hard paradigm shift on the budgets that they maintain.

  7. What an incredible story!!! Awesome!!

    1. It is incredible! People like this rescue dogs like this every day. It's more incredible, really, that we don't hear about it more often!

  8. What a powerful and heart tugging story. It is an amazing power, isn't it?

    1. It is such an amazing power, and the people who come together like this have my utmost respect and admiration.

  9. Olá querida... Gostei de ver voce em meu blog.
    Estava com saudades.
    Ótimo final de semana.
    Aus 1000 e Beijos 1000 com carinho das amigas do Brasil...


  10. I remember reading years ago about the changes made after Petfinder went live - so many more lives saved just because people knew where pets were who needed homes. And now FB and yahoo groups help even more. Kudos to that tech, to the Dobermann Talk people and your sharing. YESH!

    1. Yes, the Internet travels at the speed of thought (well, depending on your service....) and far more lives have been saved as a result. It's fantastic!

  11. What a great story! I can't tell you how many times I've seen social media save lives in the short time I've been using it. Facebook gets a lot of grief about people who use it to share what they ate for breakfast. If that's someone's entire experience with FB, I suggest they get new friends. ;)

    Truth is, social media saves lives. Thanks so much for sharing this one.

    1. "If that's someone's entire experience with FB, I suggest they get new friends. ;) "

      Here here!

      Social media can save lives. It's a modern miracle!

  12. I can't imagine euthanizing a puppy unless there are severe health/behavioral issues. Glad she made it out. Chessie rescue has made these kinds of rescues. It is truly something to see.

    1. I can't imagine euthanizing a puppy sad and needless :(

      IT is beautiful to see people coming together for the breeds that they love.
