
Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday followup: Pancho, the puppies, and a DAN auction (ends tomorrow)

One thing that drives me crazy about finding information on the Internet, about "death row" dogs, and sick puppies, is frequently you never hear how it turns out. You assume the worse, really. Though it's better to hope that they were adopted, and went to lovely homes where the adopters are not nearly as interested in the Internet as the rest of us.

I've done that too you a couple of times here. It wasn't intentional, obviously, but I don't always learn the answer either. Today, though, I have a couple of partial answers!

The puppies who may or may not have had Parvo are still holding on. Bluebell is unfortunately still not well, but is trying to hold her own.

Violet is now in a foster home, with her brother Dodger. Looks like she's doing pretty well right?

She's still pitifully skinny, but good care will change that.

And Dodger is, clearly, a little troublemaker (ignore the date on the photograph [from the DAN Facebook), it's not correct obviously).

Our very own Death Row Doberman from Manhattan, Pancho, was in fact pulled from the shelter and is in/is on his way to a foster home in Pennsylvania. There was a Doberman Talk member who actually went to try and see him last Friday, and there was confusion about whether the Manhattan Care Center had the dog/where the dog was/whether he was okay with other dogs or not. What matters to me is that he's no longer in imminent danger, and that person may still be able to adopt him!

And finally, ending tomorrow on 11-24-12, there is an eBay auction to benefit the Doberman Assistance Network, who was instrumental in helping the puppies (though I've also heard that Special Needs Dobermans has stepped in for them with financial help, which is amazing).


  1. Thanks for this update! I try to remain in denial most of the time and assume every dog was saved. I know it's not true but I think my heart would explode if I thought otherwise. We can only do what we can do.

    1. You're welcome! I think that I tell myself fairy tales sometimes as well, but really, like you, I can't bear to think of the alternative most of the time.

  2. Yes, I am often curious to know how these stories come out. Thanks for sharing the good news.

    1. I'm glad that I have the news to share! It isn't always the case, even though it's hard to forget.

  3. Thanks for the update and some good news too!

  4. Thanks for the update. Those poor puppies. Parvo is awful.

    1. Parvo is awful. I (thank God, knock wood, etc.) haven't personally had to deal with it, but one of my library friends adopted a puppy last year who had parvo, and lived. It was heartbreaking to hear about what she went through, though.
