
Monday, November 26, 2012

Letting Elka just be a dog

There are times I think about all of the expectations that we have for Elka, and the expectations that dogs carry while trying to live in our society, and it's kind of overwhelming, really. I know that for me, sometimes  it's hard enough to remember all the social rules; dogs are really very smart, to do as well as they do.

There are times, though, I just have to let her be a dog. At the park especially, as I talked about in my recent sniffing post. Sniffing is important to dogs; their olfactory sense is just so strong as to be incomprehensible to me. You know what else is kind of a dog thing? Getting dirty.

There are two videos of Elka and her puddle. There would be more, but really, I'm kind of slow on the draw with the camera. I'd need a lot of practice to get any kind of quick-draw good and really, on our walks, I'm trying to enjoy myself too. So there it is.

On Elka's most recent encounter with her puddle, we hadn't been past it for some time. When she did see it, though, she RAN straight for it, and was actually grunting as she pounced and danced in it. It was so funny, I really didn't even think to get the camera out at first (Bad blogger, I know!) and just stood and laughed as she spun and pawed. So, sorry folks, just the one picture.

There are times, when Elka is splashing in her puddle (oh, and this time she splashed me quite a lot, as well) people pass by us and kind of give us looks. The dog is clearly getting wet and muddy, I'm laughing, I'm also getting muddy, and I'm not trying to stop her in any way. Because it's fun, and that's just what you need sometimes.


  1. Watching Elka splash around and have so much fun in that puddle must have made your heart sing! It's nice to see them just having fun being a wonderful dog!

    1. I just laugh every time, she's so funny and adorable.

  2. Woof! Woof! Oh Its FUN FUN FUN ... for sure you got lots of SMILES from Elka. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Lots and lots of fun! She gives me these looks like "DO YOU SEE THIS? IT'S SO GREAT!"

  3. I enjoy watching them be dogs, too! Usually I stand back far enough to avoid getting the mud on me, though! lol

  4. Mom allows us to be a dog at her convenience too
    Benny & Lily

    1. Unfortunately, a lot of things are at the mercy of human convenience ;)

  5. I love just letting Rufus be a dog. He can be so moody and mellow, nothing makes me happier than when he's outdoors, running around and sniffing like the hound that he is.

    1. It's really neat to watch them just BE sometimes, without imposing our expectations.

  6. Sometimes its nice to let them be themselves

    Stop on by for a visit

    1. It really is! I'm trying to keep it in mind to do this more often for her.

  7. I can just imagine how much fun that was! I also get "looks" from some people when I let B roll around in something or splash in the water. Very cool that you enjoyed that experience with Elka! :)

    1. It is funny sometimes, just seeing how other people react to us!

  8. Sure looks like she was having fun!

  9. I BELIEVE in letting dogs be dogs as much as we can in our society; it's one reason I let my hounds sniff ahead of me and just walk, ramble, check things out. Elka looks like she is having way too much fun - and mud washes off...:). What a great time to be with your dog (and I'm not concerned about photos; the moment is far more important).

    1. Exactly! Mud washes off. Water dries. It's no big deal to us, and it makes such a difference for them.

  10. I couldn't agree more. We ask so much of our dogs. Just letting them be dogs sometimes is the greatest gift!

    1. They're such a gift to us, it's what we can give back to them!

  11. That puddle looks Awesome! Lucky Elka :)

  12. That's a very nice puddle - if you want to share it with me, I will share my sofa for cleaning or paws hahaha ;o)

    1. Nobody else has ever been at IN the puddle at the same time, I don't know how Elka would react!

  13. It's always great to see a dog being a DOG!


  14. LOL! I love it! Yes, you are absolutely right. The element of fun and play is important to all of us...human AND canine!
    I know my dobe loved to roll in the wet mud especially the mucky cranberry bogs across from our house.

    My new dog is a Border Terrier and much lower to the ground. She seems to get dirty much faster and by default!

    Cute pictures.
