
Friday, December 21, 2012

Buddy book giveaway winner!

I know you've all been waiting with bated breath to see who the winner is of Buddy (How a Rooster Made me a Family Man), by Brian McGrory. Well, wait no longer!
Miss Elka was pouting on the couch, as I'd been carrying out business in the kitchen that did not concern her (wrapping Christmas presents, if you must know.)

In our traditional way, I wrote the names of the entrants down on strips of paper, and threw them on the floor.

I told Elka "Pick it up!" and she perked right up and hopped off the couch to carry out her duty.

The winner:

Kelly Spoer! So, Kelly Kelly, email me with your address at TheElkaAlmanac AT gmail DOT com and I'll send you your rooster book! Thanks for playing everybody!

Not to worry, if you didn't win but still want to read it (apparently it's #1 in the bird care section on Amazon right now), you can still order it from by following the link below.


  1. I am glad that Kelly S won instead of Gumby! I'm pretty sure he can't read. ;)

    1. Gumby tries to horn in on all of the giveaways!

  2. Congratulations to the winner! And on getting present wrapping done. I told myself I was going to do that today, but I still haven't!

    1. I didn't get cookies baked, though. I'm so bad at managing time!

  3. I completely missed this (not a bird person) but hope Kelly enjoys her book; good work again, Elka!

    1. I'm not really a bird person either. I think they can be interesting, but I've never much interacted with them or wanted one. The book itself was in a way more about family, I guess, so it mitigated the bird factor!

  4. WOOHOO! (this is what i get for being behind on my blog reading)

  5. Congratulations to Kelly!

    Wanted to stop by and wish you and Elka the happiest of holidays! We're hoping to get caught up on our blog reading over Christmas break but in the meantime, at least wanted to drop in to wish you a Merry Christmas. Hope Santa brings you everything your heart desires.
