
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Zippypaws Review!

I was approached by a representative of Zippypaws to do a review and offer a coupon code (Expires December 31!) to my readers.

Of course Elka is always happy to try out new toys, and I'm interested in seeing what's out there. According to the information that they sent me, Zippypaws designs and manufactures their toys in-house, so that the products are less expensive for dog owners. Well that's nice of them, isn't it? So frequently, I see toys that seem to cost an awful lot of money for what I know for a fact will be destroyed in short order, once it's delivered to Elka's waiting maw. They also have free shipping in the U.S. for orders over $10

Which begs the question, as Zippypaws sent me three stuffed toys with squeakers in them, how do they hold up?

When I opened the box, Elka was excited, to say in the least.

We got three toys: a Holiday Hedgehog, a Zingy Fox, and a Burrow Dog House. All of them definitely have their pluses. The dog house is one of those puzzle toys where your dog pulls the smaller dogs out of the bigger house, and each small dog has a squeaker in it.

She pulled one of the little dogs out fairly quickly, in fact, which I thought was neat.

The Holiday Hedgehog is sure to get more playtime at Christmas (I let her "handle" each one, but not hardcore play with it. We know what lies down that road....). One of the things I use in our training sessions is a palm-sized Hartz hedgehog with a squeaker in it, so Elka was super happy to see Holiday Hedgehog!

Then there is Zingy Fox, who I ended up being rather impressed with.

There is no stuffing in Zingy Fox (thank God), just three squeakers: one in the head, one in the body, and one in the tail. For whatever chilling reason, Elka really enjoyed carrying Zingy Fox around by its head, chewing on its head, and holding it by the head and shaking it so the body whipped her bonelessly in the face.

She seems to get enjoyment out of that death shake, doing so with rope toys and things like Zingy Fox, but also with tennis balls, which obviously do not whip her in the face. As a result, though, Zingy Fox's head is rather worse for the wear. It still has some playtime left in it, though, which is more than I can say for previous forays into the stuffed animal squeaky toy world.

We are extremely happy with the offerings that Zippypaws sent us! If you've seen something you like, or are interested in other Zippypaws products, you can use the code THEELKA for 15% off your entire purchase, between now and December 31.

FTC disclosure: Zippypaws sent me the three toys pictured at no charge for the purposes of doing a product/service review.


  1. Justus is like Elka, a toy killing machine who LOVES squeakers. These sound like good toys to be given out warily if he is in the neighborhood. I'm checking out Zippypaws :).

    1. Yes, Elka only gets squeaky toys supervised, and only in teeny tiny doses if it's a stuffed toy. Their doom is assumed; it's just a matter of when!

  2. These sound great! Jeffie likes to do that death shake thing, too, so I bet he'd love the fox.

    1. Yes, the fox is awesome! I'm amazed and pleased with how long it lasted!

  3. We are liking those zippy paws toys for sure
    Benny & Lily

    1. They're really great, you should check it out!

  4. That's really cool! Glad they survived the "Elka test"!!

    1. Yes, they held up better than I could have wished! There are times I like being proven wrong.

  5. I actually got Rufus the JUMBO version of the hedgehog. It's probably his favorite toy ever. Totally pricey but a great investment for him thanks to his non-destructive ways, haha.

    1. Oh, so RUFUS is the dog that all these soft toys are made for! ;) The hedgehog is totally awesome.

  6. I loved ZippyPaws! Nola loves the burrow house
    Nola's Mom

    1. That's neat (and makes sense, with her burrowing dog genetics)! I've always loved the idea of toys like the burrow house, but been wary of buying them, because I know it's always just a matter of time. Even Gumby doesn't last forever!

  7. No stuffing is way cool. It's always fun to watch a dog play with a chew toy. Out dogs don't play with stuffies, for which I'm grateful. It means they're not tempted by clothing or shoes, either. ;)

    1. Thankfully, we don't have much shoes/clothes/blankets problems (That was a puppy thing that passed, thank God), but watching Elka dance with a squeak toy, stuffed or not, is always so great.

  8. Our dogs loved them, too! Morgan latched onto Zingy Fox, too, and loved him, well, to death. But it was a lot of fun while it lasted. She was so in love with him that she climbed my husband's dresser and tried to open a drawer on a nightstand to get him! I thought the toys were all awfully cute.

    1. Go Morgan! Maybe she should've been in SAR as well (or at least nosework? You can birch up the Zingy Fox ^^)! Yes, Elka's Zingy Fox is done since the posting (his head in fact came off), but he was super fun.

  9. My pups just LOVE when I get to do those reviews

    Stop on by for a visit

    1. I know, right? I don't buy Elka stuffed toys anymore, so it's extra special when she gets to review them!
