
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

One many ways?

Back in August, I posted Etsy Esoteria, and one of the items I discussed was a multifunctional European leash. Well, I asked for one for Christmas, and Aunt Alicia (Toby's mom) was kind enough to get me one! (Thanks Aunt Alicia!).

Of course, now that I have this glorious device, I have to figure out the way to properly use the freaking thing!

The easiest and most intuitive way (well, maybe second easiest) is to clip the leash around my waist, and clip the loose end to Elka. This provided extremely useful one Friday, when friends were arriving for game night, and I was trying to cook and keep track of the dog at the same time. She wanted to be all over people, and the love of Elka is not a gentle one, so I went umbilical tether-style, and kept her in the kitchen until I could monitor her with the rest of the humans (I'll bet she was saying "thanks Aunt Alicia" to that one, and not in the same way I was!)

Perhaps it was the real reason Elka was pouting yesterday?  (nah, I took the picture on a different day. But dogs' memories are better than we think, I think).

Another way is, obviously, to just use it as a leash. Fasten the...what are those called? This one isn't a trigger bolt. Snap hook? Leash thinger? Snap the leash thinger onto one of the rings and use it as a "regular" leash, at varying lengths. 6 feet doesn't work out well in the house, but does in the yard, and if you're umbilicized (totally a real word), you needn't switch leashes.

There's also over-the-shoulder, which has similar functionality to around-the-waist, but I haven't truly tried that yet. I'd guess I would do it so that it didn't interfere with the treat bag already being around my waist? it Springtime yet, so we can resume our lovely long walks to the park? Nope. -2 at the time of this post (Fahrenheit).


  1. Yep, we saw those all the time when we lived in Europe but we have never had one. We stick to the basic simple leash or flexi leash depending on where we are walking. I know those Germans love these things!

    1. It does seem like that kind of a tool, doesn't it?

  2. My husband has one of those and he loves it! He even bought leather soap and Neet's Foot Oil to take care of it. I have to admit that it's a pretty handy thing to have. I'm glad you got one!

    1. I seem to remember a Kuster in a parade picture where I thought a leash like that was being used!

      I actually take abominable care of my leashes, I should get leather care materials of that sort as well.

  3. Please post a picture when you figure it out - it looks complicated!

    1. I think it looks a lot worse than it really is! Once I was holding it and fiddling around with snapping things different places, it made a lot more sense.

  4. Sounds like it could be a useful lead. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

    1. I'm hoping for it to be a good multi-functional, take to the park and stuff kind of leash. I'd tried jury-rigging a hands free option a few times in milder weather, and this one requires no jury rigg.

  5. I wonder if they make one that would work for four little dogs.

    1. Well, I think there's a way with just this one to have two dogs on it, so add a coupler and voila!

  6. Thats looks like a leash we would run from, BOL
    Benny & Lily

    1. Aww, but both of you could walk together on it!

  7. Wow, that's quite a leash. Unfortunately, as someone with severe back problems, I can't handle having any dog attached to my waist... so I'd just be using it as a regular leash! But, I bet that it is useful for tethering to an object (like a post) when you're out and about. Love it!

    1. Yes, tethering does seem to be one of its many uses, with the way both ends have the snap thingers, and with all of the D rings.

  8. We have the 8x8 from Bold Lead Designs and it's just the best!! I love the OTS configuration. It's nice when you have your hands occupied. I hardly ever use it with wee Kaline but a lot with Juno because she heels automatically. Only for working though, not much off-duty. Definitely asking for a slightly thicker new one for my b-day!! :)

  9. What a great leash! Umbilical training is such a great way to train dogs to walk nicely. I think we have them here in Toronto, but they're rather pricey, especially for a starving university student. I'm hoping by the time Beamer is 2, he'll be completely leash trained. We're almost there! :)

  10. Such a excellent leash! Umbilical instruction is actually this kind of a terrific way to teach canines in order to stroll properly. I believe we now have all of them within Toronto, however they are instead expensive, specifically for the depriving college college student. I am wishing through the period Beamer is actually two, he will end up being totally leash educated. We are nearly presently there!

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