
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Playing a game? Don't you need these?

This is a fun story to share, but a difficult one not to overexplain.

We're gamers in my house, of varying sorts. Video and computer games, but also tabletop role playing games. When you're playing tabletop games, you need various different books, and also dice. The dice are very important.

Elka is actually fairly familiar with our gaming schedule. On Friday, certain people come, on Saturday others, and we're just getting a Sunday game off the ground. Friday and Saturday are currently World of Darkness games; Sunday is Pathfinder (The current edition of Dungeons and Dragons that we can stand). Got it? I trust you, it's okay. World of Darkness uses only 10 sided dice, and we have little individual "sets" in bags that were put out specifically for that purpose. We typically keep those in a wooden bowl on the coffee table. Pathfinder, the players only need a 20 sided die in this house (your tables may vary).

So, last Sunday, we were playing Pathfinder in the kitchen. Elka was circulating, as she will, squeaking a toy, bringing me a Kong to fill, that kind of thing. After awhile, she went off to the living room, and since I didn't hear her tags going, I figured she'd settled on one of the couches. Some time passed, and she came back and set something on my leg that slid to the floor before I realized I'd been given anything. I looked down.

Elka had processed that we were in the kitchen to game, so she went to the living room and got one of the little bags of dice and brought it to me. Without really thinking, I said "Oh, Elka honey, I don't need those dice for D&D." She cocked her head and looked at me. My fiancé said "The dog is smart enough to realize we were gaming and brought you dice, are you seriously correcting her for bringing the wrong ones?"  Oops. So of course Elka got a treat, after which she went and settled on the couch. I guess she considered it a job well done? What's extra funny is she brought me the dice that are supposed to be for playing Werewolf.


  1. We think Elka needs a seat at the game table, BOL
    Have a fun day
    Benny & Lily

    1. It's funny, we were talking about this last night! She would just need to be able to communicate a little bit better! We've also talked about getting her one of the really big novelty dice to "roll".

  2. What a smart girl! GREAT! and I'm glad she hasn't swallowed a dice ;o)

    1. I'm glad she hasn't either! That's a recovery action that I don't want to get into ;)

  3. I'm glad dogs aren't into playing games. It would be humiliating when, not if, they beat us.

    1. You're so right!

      I guess that's a bonus of a role playing game; "winning" isn't the real goal!

  4. That's amazing! And I'm with Jen. :)

    1. I know, right? She's already so much more athletic than us.... ;)

  5. Smart pup!

    Stop on by for a visit

  6. I think you need to put her on the payroll!

  7. That's adorable. I bet you could figure out a way to teach her what dice you needed. :-)

    1. Ooh, we probably could. Recognizing the different bags probably wouldn't be too hard to work on. We'd just really need to make sure they stayed closed so we wouldn't have a dice explosion!
