
Monday, January 28, 2013

XL Fleece Jammies auction (Benefits the Doberman Assistance Network)

So, I don't know about you guys, but we've been freezing our tails off here. Such as we've got them.

We had several days in a row where 12 degrees (Fahrenheit) was a balmy heat wave, and as of this writing, it's 24 degrees and sunny and I just went outside with Elka in long sleeves and a hoodie because my coat was too warm. Comparatively.

So, as a result, Miss Elka has wanted her hoodie on every day. And we've also put her fleece vest on over her harness, so that she was toasty in that. Elka loves frolicking in the snow, which brightens things up a little, but frigid days of grays are not happy making.

So! If your dog is XL, and requires something to keep him or her toasty warm, you might consider fleece. Fleece pajamas, specifically. There's an auction on eBay right now, running until February 2 (That's Saturday), and the proceeds benefit the Doberman Assistance Network. I think my fiance, or Elka, or both would slay me if ever I put her in jammies, but that shouldn't stop me from making you guys aware of them, right? Right.

So here you go. Share the love!


  1. Elka you look so cute in your jammies! I'm sure they keep you warm and toasty too.

  2. Elka looks very toasty and warm in her jammies! We love fleece for the in between cool stages, too!

  3. All you need are slippers
    Have a fun day
    Benny & Lily

  4. A matching night cap would really set it off.

  5. Those are so very cool!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  6. Elka looks adorable in her fleece! I actually used to do agility with someone who has a doberman and Henry had fleece jammies as well! He would wear them to all the winter trials while waiting for his turn. It was so sweet. I wonder if she got them from the same place as Elka...

    Hope it warms up for us all soon!

  7. BWAH haha! That is the most ridiculous, the most fun and yummylicious jammie! I wonder if It would upset Georgia's fearsome pigdog sensibilities to wear polka dots :)

  8. Okay, she does wear em' well! I'll go over and check em' out!

  9. Those jammies look cool!

    Stop on by for a visit

  10. I love dog clothes. It may be wrong, but I just think they look adorable!
