
Monday, September 29, 2014

Doberman Rescue Alliance Wisconsin fundraiser for Lily's surgery

I posted about Lily with Doberman Rescue Alliance Wisconsin back in July. They were fundraising then to get her some expensive diagnostics, to figure out what was wrong with her back and why she couldn't walk. They didn't raise enough for an MRI but did get a CT scan. Here's Lily's page on the DRAWi site, detailing some of what she's gone through.

Well, Lily has been diagnosed with disc herniation with spinal instability, and surgery can allow her to walk again. Currently, DRAW, inc has a sponsorship page set up for Lily where you can make a one time donation, and are also having a t-shirt sale (21 days left!) wherein all proceeds will go to Lily's surgery.

Lily has been receiving regular therapy, and you can see her motorin' with some wheels in this Youtube video (I love watching her little tail nub go!):

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Dogs-N-Ties Fundraiser for SFSPCA

I know some of you must be fashion forward. Or male, and require a tie. Or just like scarves; I can never get the hang of them myself. There's a point to this, obviously.

Bows-N-Ties is a company which makes scarves and (I know you guessed already) ties. Every year, they do a fundraiser for a charitable organization, and this year they're benefiting the San Francisco SPCA with a Dogs-N-Ties fundraiser. Their goal is to raise $38,400, which will aid 1200 dogs and cats in finding homes. That's a lot of money, and a lot of homes!

The designs are cute. They've got beagles, bulldogs, french bulldogs, poodles, chihuahua, and wiener dogs in silk scarf or silk ties. No Doberman, but that's the way it goes. It's like having an unusual name and looking for that personalized license plate. My understanding is California has quite the surfeit of Chihuahuas in their shelters, so it's a good idea to have selected that breed for a pattern.

So, if your work wardrobe is in the need of some sprucing up (barking up? I can't think of a good corollary here), check out the Dogs-N-Ties  web site. It might also be cute, if you're planning a wedding, to have the groomsmen all have matching dog themed ties, wouldn't it? I think so.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Product Review: Benny Bully's dog treats

I was approached by a rep at Benny Bully's dog treats to do a review of their products. Single (or limited) ingredient freeze dried treats? Check. Made in the USA and/or Canada? Check. I was excited enough for both Elka and I (she can't read packages, obviously. She just wants you to hand over the beef liver)!

We received the Liver Chops and the Liver Plus (in banana) and we could not have been happier with them.

(picture from Benny Bully's site. Photobucket is being unkind to me)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Iris, with Last Hope Doberman Rescue in Texas

Iris is a four year old, natural-eared fawn Doberman with Last Hope Doberman Rescue in Texas. She was found as a stray in Amarillo, Texas. You have to wonder how she ended up like that, poor little girl! But she's safe now. And look at that face!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Miscues (or Missed Cues?)

The other night, Elka asked to go out, so I sent her to the back door. We have a routine, she sits and waits, and I either snap the leash on and have her wait some more, or I let her blast out the back door. I thought maybe I'd seen a deer or something out back, so I wanted her to wait after the leash was on. Typically, we hold up a finger, like "wait a minute", for signal purposes. I held out my palm instead.

(just a picture of Elka sitting, not from "The event")

Monday, September 8, 2014

Stray Comments while Walking

"That's a beautiful Doberman. I used to love those dogs in the 90's."

"What kind of a dog is that?"

"Sure, she's friendly, as long as I don't come near you."

"Is that a Great Dane?"

"Oh, a Doberman! You don't see too many of them anymore."

"Awww, she's such a cutie!"

"She's so well behaved."

"Is that a Greyhound?"

Monday, September 1, 2014

In Which Elka understands "If you do X, then Y" consequences

I shared this on the Facebook, but figured I'd make a post about it as well to get the most eyes, because obviously I thought it was cool and thought it was further proof of Elka's smartness, dogs' understanding of things, etc.

We had visitors over the weekend, friends who used to come regularly when they lived closer, but who moved at the end of last year. We've seen them only once or twice since the move. Elka is SUPER EXCITED every time people show up, because she loves all our friends, and she knows their names (even when there are doubles, i.e. more than one Eric, more than one Bryan, etc.)