
Monday, September 29, 2014

Doberman Rescue Alliance Wisconsin fundraiser for Lily's surgery

I posted about Lily with Doberman Rescue Alliance Wisconsin back in July. They were fundraising then to get her some expensive diagnostics, to figure out what was wrong with her back and why she couldn't walk. They didn't raise enough for an MRI but did get a CT scan. Here's Lily's page on the DRAWi site, detailing some of what she's gone through.

Well, Lily has been diagnosed with disc herniation with spinal instability, and surgery can allow her to walk again. Currently, DRAW, inc has a sponsorship page set up for Lily where you can make a one time donation, and are also having a t-shirt sale (21 days left!) wherein all proceeds will go to Lily's surgery.

Lily has been receiving regular therapy, and you can see her motorin' with some wheels in this Youtube video (I love watching her little tail nub go!):

1 comment:

  1. I really hope they raise the funds for her! Being able to walk again would be awesome!
