
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Doberman Assistance Network: Fundraising and new cases (warning, pictures are pretty sad)

It happens all too often, I suppose. Two needy Dobermans, Calla Lilly and Godfrey, from two different locations, have come into the Doberman Assistance Network's care. The poor things are able to walk under their own power, but they are all but skin and bones (the pictures are bad; they'll be under the cut at the end of this post, if you'd prefer not to see them).

I will show you this picture, though. Remember Blaise? He has a home now. And looks great!

(Picture from Doberman Assistance Network's Success Stories page)

You can help in a number of ways! On DAN's Sponsorship Page, you can sign up to give a $5 monthly sponsorship. You can also sign up to directly sponsor Calla Lilly or Godfrey's care. There is Gold level sponsorship at $250, Silver sponsorship at $150, and Bronze at $100. Veterinary care comes in at $100, food at $50, or general donations at $25. You can in fact donate any amount, through Paypal, and ever donation helps.

The Doberman Assistance Network also has a General Funds Wishlist on, and those items ordered would go directly to DAN and to Dobermans in need. These items range from toys to medications and shampoos, the kind of thing that every shelter and foster environment needs.

Also, as a reminder, there are 12 days left on the Flower Power Fundraiser. Funds raised for DAN are up to $258, out of a goal $1000. So, if you can, spread the word on that! I also posted about it here last Friday, if you want to share a post that does not include shocking images of Dobermans who have been starved. It isn't for everybody, I know. So why do I include them? As a reminder to myself, and others, that not dogs have all the toys they could ask for, or the treats, or the couches. Not all dogs even have even their most basic needs met, and that is horrible.

So, I'm not going to cue up sappy music and pan through the saddest animal pictures I can find. But I am going to share with you these two, who are in good hands, and on their way to learning about the good life.

(picture from the DAN sponsorship page)

Godfrey was dumped at a shelter like this. He's currently under veterinary care, and hopefully soon he'll be cleared for release into foster care.

(picture from DAN sponsorship page)

Calla Lilly is only 53 pounds (Elka is 75, for frame of reference). She's in foster care now, with one of DAN's best, I'm given to understand! Information from the Doberman Assistance Network site says she's only 5 years old, and from the Carolinas. I'm not sure how DAN came to hear of her.


  1. Thank you for sharing. These are hard to look at but you are right - not all dogs have a great life. It's shocking to those of us that know what pet ownership is about to think anyone would allow this to happen to an animal in their care. It's sickening. But I am grateful for organizations that step up and help where they can, when they can.

    1. Yes, there are so many people who work in animal rescue, tirelessly, to help dogs who are in this position. I'm really just so grateful for them as well, and for people who donate to help them. I cannot imagine watching a dog in my house drop down to that weight. Just can't do it.

  2. Oh, God. Any more I become so angry, disgusted, frustrated, and heartsick when I see pictures like this... that I am knocked speechless. Sharing.

    1. Thank you for sharing, Sue! It's definitely appreciated.

  3. Do you volunteer with them? Fostering is great! Mom has been OBSESSED with watching youtube videos lately and has found some guy named 'eldad75' You should youtube those videos! What people do!!!!


    1. I do not volunteer with them. One of these days, I'll be in a better position to help with transport or something. But right now, I donate when I can, and I "boost the signal" when I can (As I'm sure you've noticed!) I've seen a lot of bloggers who foster, and it seems to be a fabulous and rewarding experience for everybody!

      I'll have to go have a look at that Youtube!

  4. I don't understand how people can do this sort of thing.


    1. I can't either! It just blows my mind how something like that can be excusable to anybody.

  5. I admire you for supporting and sharing DAN with us. I'm glad Godfrey and Calla Lilly found their way there.

    1. I'm glad that they did too! I'm sure their loves will be fabulous from now on.

  6. Sometimes our mom is ashamed of being "human"!
    Unfortunately many dogs are mistreated ... Is outrageous!
    Dobermans in our country generally are not abandoned or mistreated (that we know, and also because there are few), but other breeds are, and a lot ...

    1. Many dogs are mistreated (too many!) but at least some humans try to fix the damage.
