
Friday, April 18, 2014

Really, I just love this dog

So, predictably, I missed my "blogoversary". That very very first post, on April 7 of 2011, seems so long ago! I also missed "celebrating" my 800th post here. How time flies, right?

I largely blame Camp National Novel Writing Month. I was behind all week and only just now caught up. I've taken a bit of a different approach this time, and I'm writing a thriller-y type novel loosely based around the plot of Hamlet.

But I digress.

Some things are different from when I started the blog, and some are the same. Hot dogs are still our default walking treat, though I try to mix it up and use leftover dinner meat (roast pork, roast beef, etc), leftover fries from a restaurant (not the most healthy, but motivating!), something we're reviewing for, that kind of thing.

I've also gone to the (more or less) Monday-Wednesday-Friday posting format. At first, I posted only sporadically. For a little while, I was posting almost every day. But now that I'm writing more, and trying to read more (reading drops off when I'm writing. Who'da thunk it?) I try to just maintain MWF on both blogs, for my own sanity. Sometimes I skip a day and really, I try not to sweat it. Blogging is not life or death. Or my blog isn't life or death. Whichever.

I now walk Elka on a harness, whereas I did not before. The Ezydog Chest Plate harness is still our workhorse. I clip the leash to that, and then use Liberty's Attachment from Ella's Lead to make sure the leash is also attached to her collar. Better safe than sorry, right? Right.

Elka still doesn't really like laying on her dog bed, and to be honest, I don't really push the issue. I guess I can't really blame her; after all, she gets to lay on the couch with us. Why would she want a pillow on the floor?

A BIG change? Elka likes squeaky toys now! She used to be afraid of the noise they made. To anthropomorphize, we thought it was because she was afraid she was hurting them. It makes some amount of sense; we taught bite inhibition by squealing like she was killing us when Elka's teeth happened to touch us, and all play would halt immediately for a short amount of time. Effective, and left a lasting impression apparently. Though Elka plays happily and brutally with squeaky toys now, it's worth noting her bit inhibition is still superb.

We have our ups and downs. Sometimes (more often than I'd like) I'm not as patient as I could be. Sometimes Elka is more of a whineyface than I can strictly bear. But we do try to make it work; she communicates with us as clearly as she can, and sometimes is astoundingly clear. I just need to work on how I listen.

So thanks again for reading. I do love reading your comments (and even manage to reply to some!) and visiting many of your blogs as well. Spring is finally kind of maybe almost here, and we'll be getting out and about more often, I hope!


  1. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I've always enjoyed reading more about Elka. She is such a beautiful girl. And yay for learning to love squeaky toys (even though that may be less fun for your ears)!

    1. Thanks so much! Really, I just like showing her off to everybody as well ;)

      Her method of play with squeaky toys isn't so bad; she doesn't just squeaksqueaksqueak them, at least!

  2. Yay for your Blogaversary and all those words. We would lay on the sofa too Elka
    Lily & Edward

    1. Thanks! The sofa is a great place to lay ^^

  3. Congratulations on your year and post milestone and many more.

    And on the Hamlet novel, will Claudius be the killer?

    1. Thanks very much!

      So far as the novel goes, while I'm not writing it in first person, the third person is still from "Hamlet's" perspective, and I'm somewhat going the unreliable narrator angle. Hamlet wants to be sure it was Claudius, but might never in fact know, and has to act on what information is available.

  4. Elka, I am SO with you on the squeaky toys!!! OMD, I LOVES makin' noise!! The louder and more obnoxious the betters!! bol
    CONGRATS on your Blogaversary!!! That is just FABulous! Don't worry abouts missin' the exact date...Ma is TERRIBLE at that too!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Thanks Ruby! Squeaky toys sure are fun, and Elka gets so much happiness out of them!

  5. Justus thinks squeaky toys are the BOMB, even more than food; 'course, they don't last more than minutes but when I want his true attention, I just need a squeaker. Glad to hear Elka's moving on.
    Got distracted because I didn't know about your other blog! Wonderful. I'm woefully behind on my blogs :).

    1. Oh yes, Elka's "Only get it on a walk" toy is a tiny squeaky toy I just keep in my pocket. It's GREAT for focus!

      I don't mention/link to the other blog very often because it is not "family friendly" (sometimes I use bad words!), and this one is (mostly).

  6. Hi Jen,

    I discovered your Elka Blog on AW several weeks ago. I loved it. I loved Elka. I went all the way back to your very first post three years ago, and (I'm admitting this to you!) I went through them over the course of a week...and read EVERY SINGLE ONE! Thank you for such a wonderful glimpse into your and Elka's life.

    My favorite post, in case you're the one where she jumped into your arms after being startled by the cat on the porch. Priceless. I have five cats, but I was seriously thinking of a Doberman after all that Elka!

    From a fellow AW-er, Evelyn Arvey / Gail Bridges

    1. Wow, everything in a week? It's funny to think I've been telling Elka stories on here for three years now. AW is a great resource, and a great place to find other peoples' blogs. Thanks for reading!

      It's funny, just today I was telling the "Elka jumped off the porch story". She does try to be Disney friends with each cat she meets. The cats never want any of it!

  7. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Big milestone.

    I've limited my blogging schedule too, and I get behind in my reading, but so far I can't push myself to finish that book. :-( It's coming though, I can feel the momentum building.

    1. Thanks!

      Yes, I get very behind in my reading too (books and blogs. sigh)

      Books finish in their own time. I'm glad you're working on it, and can feel the momentum!

  8. Big congrats on your blogiversary! I never remember mine, I'm lucky if I remember what day it is today! :)

    Sounds like Elka's training is doing awesome, glad she's realized the joy of squeaky toys, when I'm in the mood I love mine, I love to roll around in my bed squeaky them and lying on my back holding them with my paws in my mouth, Mum likes to laugh at me! :)

    I hope you're having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy :)
