Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tasty Tuesday: Sometimes You Just Want Eggs

Elka did not get any of these eggs (though she does love eggs). I did give her some of the toast, though. Eggs are one of those foods that /i refuse to believe are baseline bad for you; those studies that they did about the cholesterol? Well, they didn't use real eggs, they used powdered, reconstituted eggs. Which is plain gross. Nope; whole foods, folks.  

(And now I can't find a link to that study, but I think most people know what I mean.)

But, eggs. Sometimes I really want them. There's a lot of discussion about whether cravings you have should be listened to. Everybody jokes about the pregnant lady wanting pickles and ice cream (though really, I can see how that might be all right. Depending on the pickles. And the ice cream). Some studies have indicated that feeding a craving can in fact be bad for you, such as people with Diabetes who crave sugary things and people with Celiac's who crave bread. I however, don't know of a "bad thing" that would indicate I shouldn't eat eggs, and if there is one, I don't have it, that I know of.


  1. Olá amiguinha... Gosto muito de ver voce em meu blog. Fico muito feliz.
    Volte sempre que der, será sempre bem vinda.
    Fica com o Papai do Céu.
    Aus da amiguinha do Brasil com carinho...


  2. Woof! Woof! Happy Tasty Tuesday. My mom LOVES eggs ... I can't have eggs due to my allergies. Lots of Golden Thanks for joining Tasty Tuesday Blog HOP. Enjoy! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Allergies? Even to eggs? :(

      Elka will eat enough for you too!

  3. I love eggs too. Love, love, love. They are full of awesome protein and I choose not to listen to anyone who tells me they might be bad. Everything in moderation, right?

    1. Moderation is the key!

      It's funny, I can go awhile without eating them, and then I go through a carton in a week.

  4. Coincidentally, I just read this article that addressed myths about food. I copied the link below, but the gist is that eating up to six eggs a week is A-OK! I love them, too, and I always share bits of hard boiled eggs with my guys. They go bonkers for them! http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/foods-that-are-good--and-bad--for-your-heart/2012/01/17/gIQAOvE6uQ_story_1.html

    1. Neat, thanks for the article! Food myths are interesting things to look at, and have proven or disproven.

  5. I can't swallow anymore so no longer enjoy eggs but surely did when I was able to eat them - breakfast has always been my favorite meal no matter what time of day - and eggs made it better. Enjoy them!

    1. Oh noes, another eggless one :(

      I frequently really like breakfast foods....especially bacon! During and after college, I've kind of gone "meals without borders"...I'll have dinner leftovers for breakfast, breakfast for dinner, etc.

  6. I don't crave eggs often, but when I do, give me a nice, big cheese omelet, please!

  7. Now I want eggs. Those look delicious. Your plate seems to be missing the bacon though...

    I hate cravings! I have terrile food allergies and I am always craving things I shouldn't have. I totally buy into that theory since I've seen it in action many many times!

    1. Sadly, I didn't have any bacon. I love it dearly, but don't frequently cook it. In the pan, I don't like dealing with the grease, and in the microwave, I kind of fold it into triangles to fit onto burgers, more often than not!

  8. Icky. I've never liked eggs. I do feed them to my kids though and funny enough, I fed them eggs this morning! Soft boiled with toast fingers to dip =D

    I almost always give in to a craving, I just moderate how much of it I eat. For instance, if I crave chocolate, I'll eat half of a chocolate bar and save the rest for another craving.

    When I was pregnant though, that's a whole other story! My cravings with my first child was sour! I bought a huge bag of sour recycled candy "Chews" and ate the entire thing in about 3 weeks. o_O
    With my second it was ice. All I wanted was ice cold water and I'd eat the ice cubes haha.
